Does Gladiator or Heirloom Barley contain Lectins?
Our Sprouted Barley products do not contain lectins as they are sprouts and not a seed. Here is the difference. When we 'sprout' grains, we are allowing the seed to germinate and a shoot will emerge from the seed. This is the part that is cut off and eaten. Therefore, the seed itself is not actua... -
How are Boomer Products sprouted barley powders, Gladiator and Heirloom Barley different than regular barley? Our Sprouted Barley Powder Products are not mature barley, but sprouted barley seeds, that have been hand ground into a fine powder. Our barley seeds date back to well before the industr...
How do I start taking your Barley?
How Do I Start Boomers Barley? When starting either of our Sprouted Barley Powders it is important to follow the "First Time Users" instructions included on the jar (A copy of those instructions are attached to this article as well). It is recommended to begin with the Starter Size Gladiator or ... -
Is there gluten in sprouted barley seed powder/Gladiator or Heirloom Barley
Is there gluten in sprouted barley seed powder/Gladiator or Heirloom Barley A grain and a seed are different parts of the plant. They have much different nutrition and digestibility. The grain is the edible "fruit” of the plant, usually found at the top of a stalk, and very often called a “seed”... -
What is the difference between Gladiator Barley and Heirloom Barley?
What is the difference between Gladiator Barley and Heirloom Barley? Gladiator Barley is a hull-less barley with higher bushel weights and protein values than Heirloom Barley. The protein levels of Gladiator Barley are almost double at 20g of pre-digested protein, compared to 10g of pre-digested... -
Why does my Barley product not fill up the bottle?
Why does my Sprouted Barley Powder not fill up the bottle? Our 100% organic sprouted barley powders are sold by weight and not volume. In a 1 month supply bottle an easy way to tell if you received enough product is to count the scoops. You should always shake your sprouted barley powder before... -
Why does the Barley say it has 10g or 20g of protein on but it is not the same on the panel?
Our Barley label declares crude protein content, and not Amino Acid content/Pre-Digested Protein Content. Reason for that is because the barley is actually sprouted seeds and the protein it contains is actually in the form of pure amino acids. This is good because the body does not have to brea... -
Why is the seal to my new Gladiator or Heirloom Barley not attached?
Why is the seal to my new Gladiator or Heirloom Barley not attached? Most supplements are not affected by what they call a heat sealing processing in which extremely high temperatures are used to activate a chemical glue to adhere (usually a Mylar seal or metal of some type) to the top of the pl...